Wow Addon Power Auras 3.3.5a Download

Power Auras Rogue

WeakAuras is a powerful and flexible framework that allows you to display highly customizable graphics on your screen to indicate buffs, debuffs, and a whole host of similar types of information. It was originally meant to be a lightweight replacement for Power Auras, but it now incorporates many features that Power Auras does not, while still remaining more efficient and easy to use.

I'm getting this lua error after the update: Message. WeakAuras Libs LibBabble-Race-3.0 LibBabble-3.0.lua:47: LibBabble-Race-3.0: Translation 'Lightforged Draenei' not found for locale 'ptBR' Time: 02/05/18 21:32:33 Count: 1 Stack. WeakAuras Libs LibBabble-Race-3.0 LibBabble-3.0.lua:47: LibBabble-Race-3.0: Translation 'Lightforged Draenei' not found for locale 'ptBR'. WeakAuras Libs LibBabble-Race-3.0 LibBabble-3.0.lua:25: in function. WeakAuras Libs LibBabble-Race-3.0 LibBabble-3.0.lua:47: in function Interface AddOns WeakAuras Types.lua:190: in main chunk Locals: I'm using client on Brazilian Portuguese language. I'm having a problem (probably a bug) with the latest WA version (not only the latest, the one i had before - downloaded a week ago - also had it): When i have two triggers for an aura (action usable + buff) and the requirement for activation are all triggers the aura is activated even when only one of the triggers are activated (the action usable one).

Doe Maar De Beste Rar. Just to be more specific, i have an action usable action on Rampage and one for the Frothing Berserker buff, and the aura is displayed whenever Rampage is usable, even without the buff (but if the buff is active but the action is not usable the aura doesn't activate). This didn't happened in the older versions.

+ Compatibility with version 2.0. What Is Serial Learning Examples on this page. 3 of Wow + Power Auras come now with 50 textures (you don't need anymore to download the 2 texture packs) + Added 3.