White Fat Cow
Cull Cows, Premium Prices. Feeding the cows on a high-concentrate ration turns their yellow fat to white. One cow was removed from the demonstration after she. Shop for black white fat cow on Etsy, the place to express your creativity through the buying and selling of handmade and vintage goods.
With the sale of cull breeding stock accounting for around 20% of a cow-calf operation's annual income, producers need to squeeze every last dollar from their open cows. That's why the Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity Cooperative and the Iowa Beef Center teamed up for a cull-cow feeding and marketing demonstration. Last winter, 48 beef cows and 12 Holsteins were fed 70 to 90 days in southwest Iowa feedlots, then harvested at the American Foods Group (AFG) plant in Green Bay, WI. “I was real satisfied,” says Malvern, IA, producer Nathan Mass.
“I sent five purebred Angus that were open or were going to breed really late and wouldn't fit into my calving program. They averaged $55 to $60/head profit after feeding them 70 days.” Mass's experience was no fluke.
Average profit on the three groups of cows ranged from $52.71 to $89.72. The secret to the healthy profits is the market. Over the last two years, AFG has been hustling to develop its line of premium fed-cow meat. Feeding the cows on a high-concentrate ration turns their yellow fat to white. That allows AFG to move the meat to markets ranging from small, independent grocers to large, upscale family restaurant chains.
Spesifikasi Minimum Untuk Menginstal Windows Vista. “We also have some foreign business,” says John Larsen, AFT's head of procurement. “Japan and Korea want high-quality meat with a lot of marbling.” Beginning Requirements Not just any cull-cow will do for AFG's premium fed-cow market. Number one, the cow has to be sound. In fact, two cows had to be removed from the Tri-County demonstration because of structural problems. Sims 3 Supernatural Patch.
One was apparently injured in the feedlot. The other was a 12-year-old cow that was stifled, says Darrell Busby, Iowa State University (ISU) livestock specialist. Fake Voice Changer Software there. “When she got up to 1,400 lbs., it was harder for her to get around,” he says. Healthy cows are a must, too. One cow was removed from the demonstration after she had to be treated with an antibiotic with a 28-day withdrawal period.
Thinner isn't necessarily better, either. “A cow in a body condition score (BCS) of 1, 2 or 3 may not work,” Busby says. “They may be that thin for a reason.” One Holstein was removed from the project because she actually lost weight.