Spyder 3 Tv Serial Number

Datacolor Spyder 3 Tv

Anyone had this problem before? I just purchased a new Spyder4Pro from amazon to finally get my monitor calibrated. Installed the software and started to activate and it told me my serial number was already in use, even tried to activate it on the website and it said the same thing.

Spyder 3 Tv Color Calibrator

Install User Manager Mikrotik Rb750r2 here. The package was brand new with the original sealing tape still perfect and untampered with. Apparently datacolor only has a support ticket system and no one to call, I wish I had known this beforehand. Anyone dealt with their support ticket system before? I take it they only answer during their limited normal business hours.

Datacolor has to be one of the most unfriendly companies in regards to their software and hardware that I've run across. Slow too, as you are learning, and some of it may be due to a weekend too. My own experience is they are very slow to respond via email, like days, when you buy a new Spyder 3 and then it asks on installing 'Do you want to check for new updates?' And of course you say 'Yes' and it does that as part of the install, but it doesn't tell you that you also need an entirely new serial number and the one you just got in the new box now no longer works and the silly thing locks you out - and it's brand f'ing new!