Ross Digital Satellite Receiver Update Software
Brightside S9 wrote: >BBC changed the transmissions sometime in June this year. After this >the ROSS 6110USB receiver wouldn't show BBC HD channels unless ITV1 HD >(granada) or CH4 HD was displayed first. >>Now after coming home from holidays, BBC1 HD and BBC HD always say no >signal, no matter what I select prior to swirching to those channels. It's never been necessary to select channels in a specific order on my Ross HD receiver. >>So I do a satellite scan after a Factory Default. BBC HD is found as >a channel, but no signal message. BBC 1 HD not listed on found >channels.
I need to update the software in my Ross DVB-S 4100 satellite receiver as I am no longer receiving certain channels - even after rescanning. It is best to upgrade to a fully digital high gain outdoor aerial. For software updates please find the. Ross satellite receivers can receive channels from all. Having guessed that the hardware in my Ross HD satellite receiver is the same as that used in the Telsky S 220 HD, I thought it would be fun to download and install.
Because the transponder details in the default list are out of date. >>So I read what the BBC says about this and with other information from >discussion groups it aappears that I need to alter the 'symbol rate' >on 10847 v from 22000 to 23000 (from discussion groups) and scan that >TP. Done that and the scan doesnt find any channels. Set the >'symbol rate' back to 22000 and scan the TP, still nothing found. Getting BBC HD and BBC One HD should be a simple matter of changing the symbol rate for the 10847 V transponder. I assume, when you're in the transponder menu, that you're getting a heathly reading for signal quality and level for this transponder?
Figures here are 69% and 99%. >>Suspect the ROSS is not scanning single TP correctly so do a scan on >single TP for CH4 HD10607 V 27520 and low and behold the scan >correctly finds CH4 HD - I conclude a single TP scan is working. >>Now a look at the BBC information shows that the HD transmissions have >changed to and are currently:- >>Astra 2D (28.2° East) >Transponder 50 (aka 2.050) >Frequency: 10.84700 GHz >Vertical polarisation >Modulation: DVB-S2, QPSK >Symbol rate: 23.0 Mbaud >FEC 8/9 >Transport Stream ID: 2050 >>On the ROSS box the transpobnder for 10847 GHz is 10(of 92 it says) >The only things I can change for the transponder are frequency, symbol >rate and polarity.
Battaglia Navale Per Pc. Those are the only things that need to be set correctly. FWIW I have 103 transponders configured for Astra2/Eurobird, so you may be missing some channels. >>I can't see how to change any setting to DVB-S'. Anyone any ideas >what has to be done to make the box scan and find BBC HD AND BBC 1 HD >and show them? The Ross automatically detects DVB-S2, so there's no need to select it. Hard to say what's happening here if the transponder menu shows that you're getting a signal. Have you tried using the 'Manual Add Service' option?