Php5apache2_4.dll Win64
Php5apache2_2.dll - original dll file, download here. One click to download this file. Repair your system. But when i try to install PHP, i get always this error: 'apache 2.2.4 cannot load php5apache2_4. Biography Of Narendra Modi Pdf. dll into server:%1 is not a Win32-executable' (or something like this.
How to install php5apache2_4 (2).dll: Copy file php5apache2_4 (2).dll to the installation directory of the program that is requesting php5apache2_4 (2).dll. If that doesn't work, you will have to copy php5apache2_4 (2).dll to your system directory. By default, this is: Windows 95/98/Me - C: Windows System Windows NT/2000 - C: WINNT System32 Windows XP, Vista, 7 - C: Windows System32 If you use a 64-bit version of Windows, you should also copy php5apache2_4 (2).dll to C: Windows SysWOW64 Make a backup copy of the original files Overwrite any existing files Reboot your computer. If the problem still occurs, try the following: Open Windows Start menu and select 'Run.' Type CMD and press Enter (or if you use Windows ME, type COMMAND) Type regsvr32 php5apache2_4 (2).dll and press Enter. If you can't find windows directory try the following: Open Windows Start menu and select 'Run.'
Type CMD and press Enter (or if you use Windows ME, type COMMAND) Type%WINDIR% and press Enter. Other versions of this file.
Apache + php 셋팅(Window7 64bit) Posted: March 2, 2015 Author: Filed under: 내 PC에서 php테스트할일이 생겨서. 환경 셋팅을 하는중, php는 처음이야 apache 2.4.12 php 5.6.6 그냥 현시점 가장 최신버전이다. 쓰다 문제있으면 그때 버전 맞춰보는걸로. ######################## Apache 설치 ######################## 1. 소스 다운 다운로드 경로: 버전은 최신걸로;; 2. 아파치 설치위치는 default가 c:/Apache24라고 함 3. 설치해보기 Unzip the Apache24 folder to c:/Apache24 설정파일 conf/httpd.conf Listen 80 ServerName 설치&실행 1.
Httpd.exe -k install 2. Httpd.exe -k start 종료 httpd.exe -k stop 설정체크 httpd -t ######################## php 설치 ######################## 1. 소스 다운 다운로드 경로: 버전은 최신꺼.; 2. 설치위치: c: DEV 3. Php. Serious Sam 3 Bfe Cracker there. ini파일을 셋팅함. Drag And Drop File Html5 For Mac. ———————————————————–; On windows:; extension_dir = “ext” extension_dir = “C: DEV php-5.6.6-Win32-VC11-x64 ext”; extension=php_mysqli.dll.