Oblivion Activate Console Commands
We've got a solution no matter what you're looking to do with the game. Oblivion PC Cheats and Codes Listed below are the console commands for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on PC.
Aug 18, 2009 Oblivion: Console Commands/Codes - Duration: 7:56. Mayetam 32,594 views. Oblivion Mods + Console Commands. As with The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Console commands are only available in the PC version of the game. Using the console.
While playing the game press the ~ (tilde key) to bring up the console. Many of the codes work on characters or objects, select the object with the mouse while the console window is open and enter the code listed below. Note: If the cheat console will not load, for a possible solution. An important note about Oblivion cheat codes - there are tons of them. In addition to the Master Codes listed on this page, there are also various item code pages which are used in conjunction with the master codes.
You can also add your own hints and tips, to expand the rapidly growing user submission pages for Oblivion. Here are those pages for quick reference: • • •. Example; God Mode. To activate God Mode you would press ~ to open the console, and enter tgm to activate God Mode.
Oblivion codes within brackets like these [ ] are not part of the code and are generally replaced with an item number or code, indicated by the wording within the brackets. All item, object, character, and other Oblivion element codes can be found here on the page. Full List of Oblivion Codes Spawn Indicated Item Code: additem [item number] Note: Here is a full list of. Remove an Item from Inventory Code: player.removeitem [itemcode] '#' Note: Here is a full list of. Thanks to Rachel D. Add Spell to Character's Spell List Code: player.addspell [spell code] Note: Here is a full list of. Remove Spell from Character's Spell List Code: player.removespell [spell code] Note: Here is a full list of. Asio Duplex Driver on this page.
Active Boot Disk Creator Serial. Give All Spells to Player Code: psb Show Spell Making Screen Code: ShowSpellMaking Show Enchantment Screen Code: ShowEnchantment Force a Level Up Code: advlevel Force Skill Level Up Code: advskill [skill] Complete All Quest Stages Code: caqs Set All Quest Stages Code: completeallqueststages Set Hair Color Code: hairtint [red] [green] [blue]. List Console Commands Code: help Kill Selected NPC Target (suicide if nothing targeted) Code: kill Kill All Non Quest NPC Code: killall Thanks to Corey N. Lock Selected Door or Container with Indicated Lock Level Code: lock [1-100] Add Indicated Amount of Points to Indicated Attribute Code: modpca [attribute], [number] Add Indicated Amount of Points to Specified Skill Code: modpcs [skill], [number] Moves to Current Quest Target Code: movetoqt Spawn Indicated Item Code: player.additem [item code] 1 Note: Here is a full list of. Teleport Code: player.coc [destination name] Note: Here is a full list of. Set the Weather Code: SetWeather [weatherid], or SW [weatherid] Note: Here is a full list of. Add Indicated Amount of Points to Indicated Stat Code: player.setav [stat] [number (1-255)] Thanks to Ahmed for the correction on the above code.