National Malaria Control Program India Ppt
National Anti-Malaria Programme. In April 1953, Govt. Of India launched a National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) with the following objectives: 1. National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme. Cambridge Certificate In Advanced English 3 Audio. Of India launched a National Malaria Control. National Program for Prevention and Control of.
Malaria control strategies in india • 1. Anti Spam Software Open Source. Priyamadhaba BeheraJunior ResidentMALARIA CONTROL STRATEGIES ININDIA 1 • OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION• EPIDEMIOLOGY• EVOLVVING MALARIA CONTROL STRATEGIES ININDIA• NVBDCP• GUIDELINE FOR DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENTOF MALARIA IN INDIA( 2011) • The World Malaria Report 2012:104 malaria-endemic countriesand territories for 2011. Ninety-nine of these countries had on-going malaria transmission.Extends up to 40 degree north and 40 degree south of equator219 million cases of malaria in 2010 and an estimated 660 000deaths. Africa is the most affected continent: about 90% of allmalaria deaths occur there.Between 2000 and 2010, malaria mortality rates fell by 26% aroundthe world. In the WHO African Region the decrease was 33%.what factors make Africa prone for high transmission? Howmalaria transmission of Africa differ from India • Malaria is a public health problem inIndia-About 95% population in the country resides in malaria endemic areas and 80% ofmalaria reported in the country is confined to areas consisting 20% of populationresiding in tribal, hilly, difficult and inaccessible areas-45-50% cases are p.falciparum casesHow falciparum differs from others and why leads to various complication? • Trend of Malaria Cases And Deaths 2001-2010 in Indiacases have declined from 2.08 million to 1.49 million during 2001 to 2010.Pf cases have declined from 1.0 to 0.77 million cases during the same period.Less than 2000 deaths were reported during all the years with a peak in 2006 when anepidemic was reported in NE States.SPR has declined from 2.31 to 1.41 and SFR has declined from 1.11 in 2001 to 0.74 in 2010. 18 Wheels Of Steel Haulin Maps.
• 6India’s contribution to Malaria in SEARIndia contributes to 71% of total malaria cases in the SEAR • How bionomics of vector help to control malaria • Indicators forsurveillance, prevalence, when ABER is low or fluctuates? • MILESTONESNMCP 1953SPECTACULAR SUCCESSNMEP 1958UMS 1971RESURGENCEMPO 1977MAP 1995 • EMCP 1997NAMP 1999NVBDCP 2004IMCP 2005 • NATIONAL MALARIA CONTROL PROGRAMME1953OBJECTIVES• TO BRING DOWN MALARIA TRANSMISSION• TO HOLD DOWN MALARIA TRANSMISSION AT LOW LEVELSTRATEGIES•INDOOR RESIDUAL SPRAY•TREATMENT OF PATIENTS REPORTING TO HEALTHACHIEVEMENTS•DECLINE IN INCIDENCE FROM 75 MILLION TO ONLY 2 MILLION IN 1958How current treatment of malaria differs from 1953?