Lens Manual Focus Canon - Download Free Apps


I have only had my first DSLR camera, a Canon 6D, for about 6 months. I got it mainly for landscapes and whenever I've taken big views from the top of a mountain or of a mountain range I've thought I don't want to focus on a particular point, so rather than choose one of the little red square autofocus points, I've chosen the option where you highlight them all, thinking this would get the whole picture as in focus as possible. However I've just watched this autofocus lecture by a Canon employee expert and he says when you choose all the red squares, not only does the camera just pick out ones it thinks you want to focus on, perhaps 2 or 3, but it tends to pick the nearest ones - completely the opposite of focusing on a whole landscape that could stretch several miles into the distance. Peace Thru Vandalism Rar more. It may therefore pick out some boring rock protrusion and a tree in the near & mid-distance, have them nicely in focus at the expense of the rest. What therefore should I auto focus on?

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Am I best to pick out one red square on the most ditstant part of the view? And if I'm doing this, should I just go to Manual Focus, which as you turn the dial marks distances up to 20ft, but beyond that turn it a little more and it has infinity - so should I just use MF & turn it as far as it will go and focus on infinity? (A similar dilemma occurred at the weekend when I was at the end of a long table of kids at a birthday party. To get them all in the best possible focus, who should I focus on, as picking all the autofocus points would, it seems, focus on a few only, and probably it would be those at the nearest end of the table? And even more confusing what if I just wanted the 8 kids in the middle, so I don't want to focus on the whole room, but if I choose the red dot on one of the 8, he might be in focus along with the guy opposite who is the same distance away, but the 6 sitting just alongside them would not be in focus presumably?

Hi 'hsbn', thanks for the reply. So that my question wouldn't be too long I omitted to say that I'm using f11 or higher for the landscapes to get as much depth of field as I can, as I realise f4 isn't going to work. But even so, if I'm going to autofocus I still need to select something - either one of the points or all the points - so what is best? Or do landscape photographers ignore autofocus and manual focus on infinity?

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