Install Windows 95 Without Floppy Disk
Microsoft's Windows 98 - MSDOS Install, without floppy disk, step by step. Welcome to Microsoft's Windows 98 Install step by step from MSDOS without a floppy boot disk. Bought for G-child a garage sale Dell Optiplex with Windows 95 but no docs or disks. 98 from scratch without. Mcboot 1 8 Codebreaker For Ps2. Installing Win 98 from scratch. Nov 27, 2017 In this video, I create a main partition on the hard disk, format it and install Windows 95 along with some drivers, and Internet Explorer 4's Active.
I've got windows 95 oem on 14 floppy disks. It takes ages to install so I've coppied all the cab files to a slave drive to set up from there if need be. Now when it comes to setting up its like lightning at first, doesn't prompt for Disk 2 like the floppies until after the proper installation begins ie the pre-copy cabs are extracting but not the other cabs.
In add/remove programs It will add windows programs by first asking for a disk, I then use the browse to highlight the cab file on the slave HD, that works O.K. Always format Master first and have tried copying cabs to slave also extact.exe is present in the path. Great Leew have got PowerToys installed EXTRACT FROM SETUP.TXT BELOW -------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - Setup may be very slow. Consider copying the files on the floppy disks to a temporary directory on your hard disk, and then running Setup from your hard disk.
To copy files from Disks 2 through 12, you will need to use the EXTRACT command on Disk 1 to copy the files to your hard disk, since they are in the new -------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------S O IT CAN BE DONE.