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The Official Lectra Channel. Xenocode Virtual Appliance Runtime. Lectra is the world leader in integrated technology solutions that automate, streamline and accelerate product design, developme. Auto garment is solution of garments and textile machinery e.g. Sewing, Software, knitting, dyeing, embroidery, washing, lectra, printing and packaging machine.

Kanye West Graduation 320kbps. On-Board Waste Treatment LECTRA/SAN MC (formerly EC): USCG Approved Waste Treatment Device For Boats 1. Introduction The need for environmentally sound, pleasant, safe, and simple to operate on-board treatment systems has become clear in the last couple years. Despite the No Discharge Areas, passage of the Clean Vessel Act of 1992 and diligent enforcement by the USCG, State Marine Police, DNR and other bureaus, many boaters continue to dump raw sewage into our national and international waters. There will never be enough law enforcement officers to effectively enforce against illegal discharge from boat holding tanks. One strategy is to provide solutions to marine sanitation concerns in real world terms that preserves the environment.

To meet market need and demand, Raritan Engineering Co. Has been working to make environmentally sound waste treatment systems that are easy, safe and pleasant to use. Raritan’s popular Lectra San MC (LST/MC) On-Board Waste Treatment Unit represents the easiest marine sanitation system to use.

Flushing the toilet can automatically start the treatment process in just one step. With each flush sewage is treated immediately and automatically. No dangerous and/or offensive raw sewage is stored in the boat. Most boaters demand that marine sanitation systems be as easy to use as their toilets at home. Vista De Boracay Hotel.

As the needs of recreational boaters have changed, Raritan Engineering has responded with products that have solved many of the real problems with handling boat sewage. Historical Raritan Engineering Company, Inc. Manufactures and sells accessories (appliances) for boats up to 75′ in length.

Raritan Engineering Co. Has demonstrated many innovative approaches to problems and market opportunities unique to the marine environment over the past 40 years. Through these successes, Raritan Engineering Co. Has developed a very strong OEM and aftermarket customer base. Raritan Engineering’s expertise is marine plumbing; it is a leader in the field. Raritan has earned a worthy reputation through being quality conscious, responsive to market needs, and innovative.

Anyone involved with large pleasure boats will confirm this. Raritan Engineering Co. Held patents for some of the earliest marine toilets for recreational boating. Raritan Engineering Co. Responded to the need for treatment years before there was a Clean Water Act. Together, with Diamond Shamrock Corp., Raritan brought the first Type I MSD through USCG certification.