Hdclone Professional V3.6.2 German-doa

About this release OS: 32-bit/64-bit versions of Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP Language: english Usage: see included readme file Running HD Clone: unpack and simply run the executable Creating boot media: create USB / other bootable media using Rufus 2.12 portable and ISO boot image (both incuded) About HDClone 6 Parallel mass copies and deployment. Creating 16 clones in one run, directly or from an image. Perfect for production environments. HDClone creates physical or logical copies (clones) and file images of hard disks and other mass storage media.

Hdclone Professional V3.6.2 German-doaHdclone Professional V3.6.2 German-doa

HDClone is a perfect tool for backups and creating copies of entire software or operating system installations.

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About this release OS: 32-bit/64-bit versions of Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP Language: english Usage: see included readme file Running HD Clone: unpack and simply run the executable Creating boot media: create USB / other bootable media using Rufus 2.12 portable and ISO boot image (both incuded) About HDClone 6 Parallel mass copies and deployment. Creating 16 clones in one run, directly or from an image.

Perfect for production environments. HDClone creates physical or logical copies (clones) and file images of hard disks and other mass storage media. HDClone is a perfect tool for backups and creating copies of entire software or operating system installations.