Cutaneous Xanthomas Treatment Diet
Cures for Cholesterol Deposits Under the Skin. Xanthomas that occur anywhere other than the eyelids are known as eruptive xanthomas. Modify your diet to. Xanthoma lesions on the skin. Geography Of India Majid Hussain Pdf. Blood is not in a normal range when one is suffering from Xanthoma. Treatment Options For Xanthoma. Start A Healthy Diet.
Xanthomas not always associated with underlying hyperlipidemia, but when they are, diagnosing and treating underlying lipid disorders is necessary to decrease the size of the xanthomas and to prevent the risks of atherosclerosis. In patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia, a major goal is to prevent pancreatitis. Treatment of the hyperlipidemia initially consists of diet and lipid-lowering agents such as statins, fibrates, bile acid–binding resins, probucol, or nicotinic acid. The lipid-lowering effects of these agents have been well documented, but few studies mention the efficacy of these drugs for resolving xanthomas. Eruptive xanthomas usually resolve within weeks of initiating systemic treatment, and tuberous xanthomas usually resolve after months. Tendinous xanthomas take years to resolve or may persist indefinitely.