Brother M-4318 Driver Windows 7
This page contains the drivers installer for Microsoft Windows XP Brother M-4318, the hardware/chipset supported by this driver are: Brother_M-4318, etc.
Windows 8 has updated drivers as much as you would get from Asus built into win 8. Go to devise MGR, if windows 8 did not load drivers, you will see a flag. See what hardware did not load a driver and then use the win 7 driver. You don't do anything to make a win 7 driver work, if the driver is newer, and signed it will install, if it's older then the driver windows installed, it won't install. If you see a flag and windows did not install a driver, then try the win 7 driver, or go to the MFG of the hardware and see if there is a win 8 driver. You can also run windows update, if win update see's a newer driver out it might pick it up and give you a install option. Now, your chipset, and most hardware has windows 8 drivers out.
Processing Usb Serial. The drivers are the biggest problem, the biggest problem for you is the BIOS was not set for windows 8. So you could find even with the best drivers, win 8 slower or has bugs more then win 7 will have. Me, I would bench test all the hardware with win 7, then with win 8 and see which one is better.
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