Best Wardriving Wifi Antenna

What sort of antenna works best for wardriving? You want some sort of omnidirectional vertical antenna, ideally one that can be mounted on the. Alfa Upgraded to High Gain USB Wireless Long-Rang WiFi network Adapter with Antenna - for Wardriving. This simple wi-fi antenna for. To get the best Wi-Fi.

Internet Access with NextG USB-Yagi Plug & Play TurboTenna Highlights: TurboTenna in channel 5 gadget show To setup our Internet access it took us a month to get the Internet broadband up and running. Our ISP was not the incumbent otherwise things might have gone much smoothly. We were virtually living in the dark in the first few days without Internet access, pretty much like no TV, no radio, no phone and no electricity.

Best Wardriving Wifi Antenna

There were many WiFi networks in the neighbourhood. Although a few of them were unsecured, we didn't want to get on a free ride without their consent. Luckily most of our neighbours were so friendly that we were able to connect to their secured networks at the expense of a few bottles of good wine. However, the catch was that the nearest WiFi network was 300 meters away, not that the internal WiFi of our laptops could cater for. We brought along with our strongest +18dBi Yagi antenna, at about 1 meter long with pole mounting.

It was a highly directional antenna with a narrow beaming aperture. Aikido 3d 2.0 Full. So when we held it in our hands, the signal strength climbed to the peak Why antenna tuning is important? Like golf clubs, a copycat spoils the swing. At the bottom of the Callaway FT-5 driver there is a little tuning hole. A right amount of filling optimizes the weight distribution.

Although a counterfeit looks similar to the real thing, I was told that only Callaway knows how to fill for a perfect swing. See also in one direction.

As our hands got tired and move slightly away from it the signal dropped sharply. The signal also wobbled when vehicles passed by since it is too focused to get distracted. We couldn't put it on the roof under restricted access, and it could have taken a long and costly RF cable with lightning arrestor even if we were able to do so. The indoor mounting was also a problem. There was no convenient pole anywhere suitable for mounting the long Yagi, not to mention we need to put the Yagi at a sweet spot close to the window with minimal obstruction.

To cut the long story short, we decided to design a new handy Yagi antenna standing on a tripod, having a wide beaming aperture to capture the direct and reflected signals without being distracted by the passing vehicles, and more visibility to other wireless networks nearby, yet strong enough to maintain a high power connection blending the best of bith worlds. It had gone through verious tests under indoor and outdoor environment with excellent performance, including penetrating walls as signal booster, sharing secured Inernet access from neighbours, picking up WiFi from remote Municipal FREE wireless networks on the road, repeating the signals from ashore as an ACCESS POINT in a boat, as well as replicating the HSPA mobile broadband data service to several WiFi client computers. The NextG Wardriving USB-Yagi WiFi antenna was thus conceived. Every one of them is precisely tuned before we ship. So far there are already many satisfied and happy buyers around the world who are benefiting from this NextG High Power antenna for Internet access. The NextG USB-Yagi Antenna The USB-Yagi is a handy and high performance directional antenna which delivers a remarkable power sensitivity in the direction it is pointing with a HPBW (Half-Power BeamWidths) of 56 degree. It connected to the WiFi signal 3.8km away from the University in direct line-of-sight and maintained a stable wireless connection at a sensitivity of -54dBm, which is amazingly powerful and have more rooms to go further than that.