Alberta Fines Enforcement Program

Is this a good idea? A Canadian province is about to enact a new workplace safety law that would allow inspectors to issue fines to workers for violations. Penalties could be substantial for repeat offenders.

Alberta Fines Enforcement Program

Alberta to fine workers for safety violations: Should U. Fines was called “a gap on the enforcement. Of Alberta’s workplace safety program. Unpaid fines and debt collection. Types of fines. Paying off fines. Disputing a fine. Fine option program. What happens if i do not pay my fine?

Starting Jan. 1, 2014, the province of on the spot for violating OHS regulations. The, with most either $100 or $200. Download Software Aeg Lavamat 61300 Manual. The Officers can also issue similar immediate tickets to the employer. It seems OSHA already has this ability but has just never used it, most likely due to the backlash it would create from unions, politicians, etc. The General Duty Clause in the OSHA Act applies to both Employers and Employees.

To wit: “SEC. Duties (a) Each employer — (1) shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees; (2) shall comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this Act. 29 USC 654 (b) Each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this Act which are applicable to his own actions and conduct.”.

Very good decision all around. I personally have been harping this would be the way to get compliance when buy in does not work. Bang on the non compliant employees in their wallets. Again as stated in another blog some employers truly give it a go creating Safe environments. So when an obstinate employee for whatever reason just won’t follow policy then by all means fine them. The downfall and key item that employers will need to ensure they do to protect themselves from becoming lumped in with that unsafe / non compliant employee is to have written documentation of non compliance i.e.: Performance Notices or Disciplinary Notices etc.

This is important as otherwise as already mentioned one could construe that the employer has washed its hands of Safety leaving it up to OSH or OHS (having worked both down under and up north you are both right) to watchdog their job sites. That of course would defeat the purpose. Employers should welcome this as indeed I will when it happens in the USA. To take it a step further and mirror actions already occurring ‘down under’ (OHS) in NSW and VIC my former customers in both states were identifying those non compliant employees in our industry and sharing that info on unsafe workers and basically black listing them from working on their projects. I work in the electrical utility arena and yesmy customers were sharing unsafe behavior on employees from electric company to electric company.

So if a non compliant guy was fired from one company chances are he was done working in that industry period! Nobody wants him or her. Who is to blame? Nokia 309 Rm-843 Flash File. The employer, I do not think so.

Perfect I say and if a list was made available in Canada to hiring employers of those who have been cited what a pleasure it would be hiring again. I feel it should not be considered confidential info no more than a prospective employees driving record or criminal record. After all, like criminals and bad drivers unsafe behavior kills people and all too often involves the uninvolved. A great day for Canadian commerce all around.

This would most definitely help assist in improved safety buy in – should both employer and employee have accountability for following safety polices/procedures. The employer currently has to play bad cop and enforcer. Should an employee potentially be held personally financially accountable the employer would have increased ability with some employees to get improved buy in and support. The employer would have increased ability to move from bad cop to being a support to the employee in being able to say this is to help keep you out of trouble as opposed to primailly possibly being perceived as we want to keep you off of our OSHA log, etc. We have a situation this would have been great for. We have an employee who does chrome plating and would sneak food into his area and eat while working. Big signs say “No eating or drinking in this area” and yet he is always doing it.